To order a cap, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. All caps are one size adjustable. Price: £10.00 + £4.00 P&P
Thank you for your order of an SCA ball cap. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
To order a car sticker, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £1.00 + £1.50p P&P
Thank you for your order of an SCA car sticker. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
To order this item, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £3.00 + £2.50 P&P
Thank you for your order of a green SCA lapel badge. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
To order this item, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £3.00 + £2.50 P&P
Thank you for your order of a 50th anniversary SCA lapel badge. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
To order this item, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £3.00 + £2.50 P&P
Thank you for your order of a 60th anniversary SCA lapel badge. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
To order this item, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: Price: £4.00 + £4.00 P&P.
Thank you for your order of the Shepherds Crook and Waling Sticks book. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
Ideal tie, if you are going to be a judge at a show. To order this item, please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £7.50 + £4.00 P&P
Thank you for your order of an SCA tie. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
Please complete the form below. We will contact you with our bank details for payment or with the address to send cheques. Price: £10.00 + if posted £1.50 P&P
Thank you for your order of an SCA tie. We will be in touch shortly with our bank details for bank payment or where to send cheques.
Secretary: Rosie Coupland